A new tourism attraction built upon rural traditions

Trail news and events

Barn quilt approved
for covered bridge

The steering committee of the Ashtabula County Barn Quilt Trail recently received permission from the Ashtabula County Metroparks Board to place a barn quilt on the Graham Road Covered Bridge in Pierpont Township.

The bridge is the centerpiece of a samll metropark, the land for which was donated by Bob and Helen Benson. Mr. Benson continues to mow the grass around the bridge, altough he is in his 90s. The new quilt will honor his family and their support of covered bridges and local history.

This will be the county's first 8-foot-square barn quilt; an October dedication is planned.

Fairgrounds dedication

We officially dedicated the Mariner's Compass quilt for the Ashtabula County Fairgrounds floral building, but the steering committee has decided not to install the quilt until after painting and repairs to the building are completed. The board of commissioners and co-founders of the quilt trail Kathy and Chris unveiled the new barn quilt during the fair.

Blakeslee quilt dedicated

About five dozen Ashtabula County Historical Society members and friends, plus Barn Quilt Steering Committee members and county quilters came out for the dedication of the Barn Quilt Trail's first quilt at the Blakeslee Log Cabin Barn on July 20.

Special thanks goes to the hard-working Ashtabula County Farm Bureau members who dipped ice cream for the crowd. We discovered the historical and barn-quilt folks favor butter pecan ice cream over vanilla and chocolate!

The following evening, at the Antique Engine Club Grounds in Wayne Township, the Farm Bureau's new quilt was dedicated prior to the candidates' night event. The quilt will be placed on the Floral building at the fairgrounds.

Also dedicated in July was the quilt on the Don Dillon Pavilion at the Antique Engine Club Grounds. This quilt was painted by Karen Rose to honor her mother, who was well-known the antique engine club members and was a vendor at the big July 4-weekend show for many years. The pattern selected for the quilt is aptly named "Grandma's Flower Garden." Several family members got involved in painting this beautiful work. Thanks Karen!

Herbal quilt comfort

A hand-stitched and embroidered quilt displaying a variety of medicinal herbs is being raffled by The Trillium Center for self-reliance in Conneaut (715 Furnace Road). On Oct. 17, from 6 to 8 p.m., the center will host herbal teas and treats during an herbal quilt tea party. Or purchase raffle tickes on the quilt ($5 each). See the center's website for more information.

Read the June 8, 2014, (Ashtabula) Star Beacon story about the barn quilt trail!

Thank you Warren Dillaway and Shelley Terry!

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