The barn quilt installed at Blueberry Knoll Farm in Sheffield Township was dedicated June 24, 2015.

The quilt is dedicated to the memory of Vernon and Gladys Fuchs, whose farm is now owned by their daughter, Karla Gadley, and her husband, Dennis.
The 4×4-foot barn quilt features a bluebird and was painted by Karla. The farm they live on was once part of a large orchard that spread along this section of Plymouth-Gageville Road. A few of the old trees stand here and there.

The Gadleys have a blueberry farm and served blueberry muffins, cheesecake with blueberry sauce, blueberry dessert pudding and blueberry smoothies to the 25 guests who attended the dedication.
The U-pick berry farm will have blueberries for approximately six weeks this summer. To find out what kind of blueberry is ripe at this time, email Karla.
Thanks to Jim Kujanpaa for sharing his photos of the dedication.