No. 24, Bradish Farm, Monroe Township

Frank and Pat Bradish with their barn quilt.
Frank and Pat Bradish with their barn quilt.

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About the quilt & barn


Adams Road, south end, Monroe Township.


Frank and Pat Bradish


Frank Bradish

Bradish 2

The quilt:

Carpenter’s Wheel, 4×4 feet

The barn & farm:

This quilt hangs on a former dairy barn built in the mid-1940s. At some undetermined date, the stanchions were removed. Current owners purchased it from Paul and Mary Cowan; Cowan was not dairy farming at the time of purchase in 2003.

Frank and Pat raised sheep for several years and used the barn for that purpose. Since retiring from MFG in 2009, Frank has eased out of the sheep farming business and expanded his interest in carpentry.

The couple plan to add at least two more 4×4 barn quilts to this barn in the spring of 2015.

Bradish 1

Ashtabula County, Ohio, barn quilt trail with more than 100 quilts