No. 14, Cold Springs Orchard, Geneva

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About the quilt & farm


878 S. Windsor Mechanicsville Road, Geneva (South of Austinburg


Interstate 90 to the Route 45 exit; south to Cork-Cold Springs Road; veer to left at intersection with Windsor Mechanicsville Road. Orchard will be left. Hours, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily, August through early April.


Cold Springs Orchard, Don and Lynn Frank


Kathy McCarty

cold springs 2

 The quilt:

4×4 feet, Apple Basket. Lynn Frank is a quilter, having come into the pastime in 2010, a disasterous year for the orchard.

“I learned it the year we had an entire crop loss. I had an opportunity to go for the quilt lessons. The crop came back, and the woman who started out as my teacher is now my friend,” Lynn says.

The building:

The quilt hangs on an apple barn that houses the cold storage space, sorting operation and market.

Don and Lynn Frank, owners of Cold Springs Orchard
Don and Lynn Frank, owners of Cold Springs Orchard

The farm:

Cold Springs Orchard is an apple orchard that was started in 1928 by the grandfather of the current owner, Don Frank. His father, Charles Frank, assisted with the planting of the original orchard, which grew peaches and apples.


Ashtabula County, Ohio, barn quilt trail with more than 100 quilts